We can provide our services to power plants worldwide

Bradenton, Florida

941 - 527 - 6196
941 - 755 - 5229 (FAX)

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

414 - 698 - 5644



Requests for our services typically fall into two categories: emergency solutions to immediate problems, “putting out fires”, so to speak, or a preventative analysis and review during scheduled service work, applying our rotor verification and balancing procedures to ensure a smooth restart and reliable long-term operation.

Far more value can clearly be had by the latter. At Z-R Consulting, we prefer to catch and resolve potential problems before they start, by incorporating our key verification steps into a total outage procedure, saving substantial time, cost and headaches in the long run.

However, we often are contacted only once problems have already occurred. In identifying the root cause, we logically follow the symptoms presented and recognize that the symptoms had to come from one of four sources: design, service work, installation, or unit operation. In all but cases of operation, we can know that the problem was present prior to starting the unit, and is identifiable based on analyzing the “vibration” data signatures, in combination with shop data and installation data, and a review of past work and events.

In all cases, we believe a plant deserves to know exactly what problems are found, and exactly what solutions will remedy them.

In providing solutions, we consider the impact of cost and time, and provide options with a clear distinction of what “must” be done versus what “should” be done at a proper opportunity, between what constitutes a proper solution and what is just a “patch-up”.

We believe that every active turbine-generator problem can be logically deduced and successfully resolved with a thorough review of all available data, and with the proper understanding of its root cause and solution.