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Click on a paper title below to view the pdf file in your browser or to download the file:

IFToMM 2018 - Interpretation of Dynamic Data Plots for Troubleshooting and Resolving Vibration in Large Rotating Machinery

(Our latest, finalizing and pending publication) - Resonance Effect, Critical and Resonance Velocities Applied to Diagnostics, Stability, and Balancing Methods of Turbine and Generator Rotors over 40 MVA

Vibration Institute 2019 - Inertial Mechanics Perspective on Flexible Turbine-Generator Rotor Vibrations, Diagnostics and Balancing

Working draft study (2024) - Mechanics of Elastic Continuous Rotors with Reference to Balancing - QHSBM

SIRM 2017 - Practical Approach for Solving Vibrations of Large Turbine and Generator Rotors - Reconciling the Discord between Theory and Practice

MFPT 2015 / Comadem - Proactive Shop Strategy for a Successful Turbine-Generator Rotor Outage

IFToMM 2014 - Development of a New Balancing Approach for Significantly Eccentric or Bowed Rotors

IFToMM 2014 - Behavior of Eccentric Rotors Through the Critical Speed Range

Vibration Institute 2011 - Rotordynamics and Balancing Revisited

IFToMM 2006 - Vienna - Vibration Diagnostics and Condition Assessment as an Economic Tool

Vibration Measurements and FE Modeling Tools in Root Cause Analysis

Practical Evaluation and Handling of Bowed Rotors

ISCORMA 2007 - Calgary - Effect of Applied High Speed Balancing Method

Runout Measurements with Non-Contact Probes and FE Modeling for Root Cause Analysis

Passing Through a Critical at Constant Speed?

The Effect of Bearing Clearances On Its Dynamic Stiffness

Modification of the Exciter Bearing on Large Nuclear Turbine Generators

Analysis and Solution of Abnormal Vibration Problem of Exciter

Diagnosis and Solution of an Exciter Rotor Vibration Problem